About Me

Picture perfect and yet imperfect family.
As on 1st January 2010:
Married to Adin Ng on 26/09/97 for 12 years!
Mom to:
Gabriel Xavier(9yrs)~12/07/00
John Emmanuel(4yrs)~01/08/05
Paul Emmaeus(Stillborn)~01/09/07 (2yrs+ by now)
Paulina Therese(2-1/2mths)~10/10/09

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Farewell 2009 ~ Hello 2010!

I still can't believe that year 2009 has passed in a blink of an eye! The 3 kids and myself actually spent the evening at Changi Airport T3 on the last day of 2009 since dh had to work till 10pm. The 2 boys had so much fun running around and we were actually there from 6pm till 10:30pm! We love to hang out at the airport as there is so much space for them to run plus some activities if you look carefully, so many choices for food and the best part of all is the free cool aircon!
Baby was already snoozing away on the drive home so I took the opportunity to ask Gabriel what will be his New Year resolutions. He said:
1) To be the best behaved boy in his class. (That should be an easy one! ;-D )
2) To work harder and improve in all his subjects in school. (I definitely agree! ;-D)
3) To practice more for erhu. (Yeah, might as well do your best since you are already in it! ;-D)

Well, I only have one New Year resolution that is to dedicate more patience and time(praying for more energy) in caring for my 3 kids. You are all equally precious to me and I love you all! I truely thank God for:

1) Gabriel as my eldest son. He has been such a lovely boy and a great big brother to John, even to baby Paul when he was unborn...I know you were very sad when we lost him but thank God for giving us Paulina! I'm sure you'll love her as much and will be a good brother to her too! Thank you Gabriel for being Mom's great helper!

2) John as my 2nd son. He is so innocent and such a darling nature! I love your cute nature and everytime when you try to coax and sing to mei mei when she cries. You seem to have all the tricks!

3) Paul as my 3rd son. Mommy still think of you and often imagine you with the family! You would have been 2yrs+ now and running around with Gabriel and John! My heart is still with you, Paul! Do guard and pray for your brothers and sister as they are also praying for you and will always remember you!

4) Paulina as my 4th child and only daughter. I thank God for blessing me with such a lovely and smiley girl! You just keep smiling at mommy and always make me so happy!

Thank you Lord, for all the blessings you have bestowed upon us! We pray for a more prayerful family in 2010 and that our faith in you will strengthen in every possible way as you walk with us! Amen!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Paulina Therese Ng's Birth

Yes, yet another drug-free gentle birth!
That night, I went to bed at 12:45am and said a very short humble prayer and dozed off quite immediately. Got woken up with a sudden contraction at 1am! I even said it out: "This is a real contraction!" What a surprise! God answered my prayer within 15 minutes??? Reached labour ward at 2:30am and was already 7cm dilated!

Paulina Therese Ng Li-Ann
Born on 10th October 2009
at 4:52AM
Weight: 4090 gm    Length: 53 cm
Mount Alvernia Hospital

My Birth Rescue Hero(on my left) - Dr Paul Tseng
My Birth Companion(on my right) - Adin Ng

Cuddling my little Paulina (5:16am)
Nursed her for the 1st time at 5:18am (about 25mins after birth)

The minutes after birth is the best time to get baby started breast-feeding. Suckling gives babies immense comfort and after a brief period of alertness, baby will often sleep, exhausted from her efforts during the birth. The earlier you can start baby on the road to nursing, the more chance of success. Breastmilk production increases with demand, colostrum (the nutrient rich, high protein first milk) helps get baby through until mother’s milk comes in and the act of nursing releases oxytocin in mom which stimulates contraction of the uterus (preventing hemorrhaging) and magnifies those lovey-dovey feelings for mama.

Time together as a family to get to know each other after the birth is especially important. Separating mother and baby is extremely stressful for both and should be avoided. In a gentle birth the mother is awake and aware, highly conscious, energized by having given birth, and extremely eager to spend time with her child—touching, feeling, resting or sleeping together. The newborn needs and wants the comforting presence of its mother, her warmth, touch, sound and smell. After a gentle birth most mothers experience an incredible exhilaration that helps them to overcome their exhaustion. A gentle birth does not involve baby being left in a bassinet in a nursery far from her family.

The 2 proud kor kors Gabriel and John who rushed to the hospital upon waking up! (9:31am)

Still admiring at baby! (2:12pm)

Both got to take turns to carry baby Paulina for the 1st time!
Gabriel at (3:48pm) & John at (3:49pm)

Ah Chor(Great-Grandma), Yi Por(Grand-Auntie) and Yi yi (Small Auntie)
(Day 2)

(Day 2  -  12/10/09  - 3:58pm)
1st time baby Paulina kept wailing loudly and fussed at the breast and I only realised why after quite awhile. She pooed!!! She just hates dirty diapers!

On Day 3 - 13/10/09, baby's jaundice level was mark 14 so I decided to stay on in the hospital for the jaundice treatment. That morning, I went to Dr Roland Sim's ENT clinic to do an endocsope and he scheduled me to do a tongue tumour operation under local at the Mt A. operating theatre the next morning - 14/10/09.
Ohh...it hurts soooo much an hour after the operation when the local anestesia started wearing off! Ouch!
 I had to be on a soft diet for many days after that! I couldn't even talk properly!

 Day 5  - 14/10/09 - 12:16pm
Day of discharge  - extended the stay to be under the Bilirubin Light

14/10/09 - 12:27pm
I requested for my old friend, Sr Christine to do baby presentation at the chapel and she gladly came!

14/10/09 - 6:25pm
Baby Paulina at home for the 1st time and just woke up from a long nap!

Day 6  - 15/10/09 - 2pm
Had to bring the Bilirubin Light home from Dr Simon Ng's clinic as the jaundice level went up again!
Tried for one night and it didnt work out for her because I kept taking her out as I couldn't bear to see her keep crying inside. Sigh! I admitted her to NNJ at Mt A. the next day.

Day 9  - 18/10/09  - 7:28am
Admitted to NNJ for on 16/10/09 and discharged on the 18/10/09.
Poor baby Paulina had already gone through so much since birth.
But you are a much older baby now and the jaundice level after day 7 ain't gonna hurt you no more!

Day 11 -  20/10/09  - 10:50am
Mother and Baby bonding at home.

Paulina Therese Ng's Birth Plan

I had a birth plan for my 2nd and 4th birth but Paulina's birth plan was for the benefit of the midwives and nurses who would attend to my birth at the labour ward so as they'll know my history and understand what I want for my birth. The birth plan is acknowleged by Dr Paul Tseng and then faxed over to the Mt Alvernia's labour ward.

Pamela Vanessa Lim

Doctor: Dr Paul Tseng

1st EDD: 8th October 2009
2nd EDD(by Dr Paul Tseng): 10th October 2009

Birth Plan

This is my fourth pregnancy.

1st birth: It was an uneventful birth as I was induced at 41 wks, had an artificial rupture of my water bag, an epidural was given when I was already about 7-8cm dilated and ending with an emergency c-section as baby did not come down/engage. I remember that the dosage for induction was increased very often and quickly and I was dilated from 2cm to 10cm within 3 and 1/2 hours. The whole proccess was out of control as I could not manage my own birth. I was made to lie in bed and being monitored with the CTG upon admission. I was not given the chance to adopt any comfortable position for labour. Baby was born at 4.070Kg.

2nd birth: Estimated time from start of labour till birth took about 9 hours. Baby was OP at birth and labour was long and painful. Nevertheless, it was drug-free but assisted by vacuum suction. Baby was born at 4.270Kg.

3rd Pregnancy ended with a stillbirth at 34 weeks due to a twisted umbilical cord. Baby was about 2.300kg.

I am definitely more careful and alert with this pregnancy. I would like to keep myself positive and focused though at times I may be more paranoid than usual due to the previous stillbirth. I want my labour to progress naturally and for my baby to be born in an atmosphere of calm, quiet and love. I believe, with your support, I can achieve this totally natural, memorable and beautiful birth. This is my birth plan.

Note: At any stage of my labour, should the need arise, please discuss any proposed intervention with me before proceeding.

First stage of labour:

I may have a birth assistant present at the birth.

I want an atmosphere of privacy, calm and quiet, with dim lighting, soft music and light aromatherapy scents while in labour.

I do not want to have an enema upon admission.

I do not want to be shaved upon admission

Because I want to be free to adopt any comfortable position for labour, I would prefer not to have any drips inserted, unless medically necessary.

Please do not offer me any form of pain relief.

I do not want any vaginal examination unless really necessary.

Please do not rupture my waterbag artificially.

I understand that I will be monitored with the CTG upon admission. Please monitor this for only 10 minutes.

Second stage of labour:

I will adopt any position where I am comfortable to labour in. I will indicate if any support is required.

Please do not perform any episiotomy. I would prefer to tear naturally.

I would like to see the baby crowning through a mirror. I would like to touch and feel baby’s head as baby crowns.

I would like my gynae to assist to catch the baby.

I will hold the baby immediately after birth even while the umbilical cord is still attached.

Do not clamp the cord until it has stopped pulsating.

Third stage of labour:

I want a natural third-stage with no syntometrine injection to facilitate placental expulsion. Please do not perform fundal pressure or cord traction.

I would like my husband to cut the cord.

Baby’s care in hospital:

Please do not suction baby at birth, unless medically necessary.

Please delay all routine administrative matters eg weighing, measuring etc, until an hour after the birth.

I will nurse my baby immediately after birth.

I will room in with my baby for the duration of my stay in hospital.

I will breastfeed my baby exclusively. Baby should not be offered any formula, water, glucose or pacifiers at any time, under any circumstances.

In the event of a medical emergency during birth:

If an emergency C-section is required, I will also undergo the operation by epidural. I will nurse my baby immediately after the operation. Unless medically necessary, I do not want to be separated from my baby at any time.

In the event that baby has to stay in the Neonatal ICU or requires specialized medical attention that requires our separation, or in the event that I am not able to provide her with breastmilk, my family will arrange for my baby to receive donated expressed breastmilk.

Noted by:

(signature & date)


Dr Paul Tseng

Consultant Gynaecologist & Obstetrician

John Emmanuel Ng's Birth

John's Birth
written by Pat Chong

1 August 2005


Mother: Pamela Vanessa Lim

Father: Adin Ng

Doctor: Dr Paul Tseng

Labour Support: Pat Chong

Attending midwives: Nurse Manager Ng Geok Pin and SN Lim Hwee Ling

Hospital: Mt Alvernia Hospital, Room 1

EDD: 28 July 2005

Pamela’s first birth had been an oxytocin induction at 41 weeks. She had an epidural administered when she was about 7 to 8cm dilated. The labour had ended in a caesarian section birth. She finally birthed a son weighing 4.07kg then.

With this birth, she had wanted as natural a birth process as possible. With this end in mind, she changed her doctor to one known for expectant management, read up and worked with a labour supporter. Despite her preparations, Pam still had several concerns - chiefly the size of the baby. Although she wanted a vbac very much, she was not sure if this might be possible. She had had dreams about labour stalling and not progressing as well and was worried if this might be a portent.

As her due date grew nearer, well-meaning friends and acquaintances had told her that her baby was still ‘high’ and looked ‘big’. All these comments did not help reassure her of her ability to birth her baby.

27 July 2005
Pam was concerned about the size of the baby, estimated to be 4kg just a week before term. During a routine doctor’s visit, she discussed her concerns with the doctor who did a vaginal examination and found her cervix to be ‘stretchy’ and dilated to 4cm. Pam decided to be admitted into labour ward to have her waters broken the next day.

Upon further discussion of her fears and reading up of the risks and benefits of an amniotomy, she finally decided against it. Meanwhile, her labour supporter had given her other options for natural induction eg sexual intercourse, walking, eating pineapples and Tabasco sauce!

Over the following days, Pam faithfully tried all the different methods, finally resorting to the famous spicy fish head curry at Dempsey Road on Sunday. While she didn’t go into labour, she did report feelings of crampiness and a ‘pulling’ feeling in her lower pelvis. As a side effect, Adin had the runs after generous helpings of Tabasco sauce and the fish head curry! She kept in constant touch with her labour supporter through the phone and through text messages. One discussion centred upon her long menstrual cycles - which seemed to indicate that the 40weeks pegged for ‘normal’ gestation might not be relevant. It seemed all the more likely that she would go past 40 weeks.

By Sunday, she seemed to finally relax and ‘gave up’ persuading baby to come, informing her labour supporter that “baby is just not ready lah!”

1 August 2005

Pam called Pat at 8.30am in the morning from her bathroom. Her waters had broken. She had one or two contractions which came close together but did not last long. She still seemed calm and able to cope well, so it was decided that she would remain at home for a while more and have her breakfast and see how the contractions progress.

At 9.00am, the contractions seemed to be coming at 1 in 3 minutes but not lasting very long, only about 20 - 30sec. Pam said that while each contraction does not last long, she has had to pause in whatever she is doing in order to cope.

By 9.30am, Pam decided that she would be more comfortable in the hospital since the contractions were coming so quickly. She would meet Pat at the hospital.

At 10.15am, Pat met Pam and Adin at the hospital. Pam looked happy, and excited. She was coping well, walking to the labour ward and stopping every time a contraction came. They were greeted at labour ward by Nurse Manager Ng Geok Pin and placed in Room 1.

NM Ng went through the birth plan with Pam and Pat. A mattress and sheet with a birth ball was placed on the floor as requested and a CD player plugged in. Pam changed into the hospital gown and was monitored for 15 to 20min on the CTG. Baby’s heart tones looked good and the contractions were coming 1 in 3min, though still lasting for only half a minute or so. Pam also requested for a vaginal examination to be done. NM Ng examined her and said that she was dilated to 3.5cm. Pam was surprised because Paul had earlier told her she was dilated to 4cm and felt that this was a ‘setback’. NM Ng reassured her by telling her that it was between 3.5 to 4cm and sometimes, if the person checking stretched the cervix a little, it could go up to 4cm. So it was not that the dilation process was halted and regressed.

As Adin went to complete the admission processes, Pat stayed with Pam. Pam was still coping well at this point, preferring to sit on the edge of the bed and leaning forward every time a contraction came. She also tried standing up and leaning against a shelf to cope with the pain.

As time wore on, the contractions came faster and faster, though still of short duration, although each contraction clearly was more intense and more painful. Pam said her back hurt and there was pressure on her lower abdomen, near the pubic bone. A cold compress on the lower abdomen and massages on the lower back seemed to help.

Pam seemed to cope reasonably well but seemed less in touch with what was happening around her. When Adin returned, Pat suggested that Pam try other positions such as standing and hip swaying to take the pressure off the tailbone and lower back where the pain was. Adin held her as she leaned into his arms and swayed.

Pat suggested that it might help the baby descend if the pelvic canal could be further ‘opened’ through ‘lunging’. A stool was placed near her left leg. Pam was asked to place her foot on the stool, at a 90deg angle and lean into it. She tried this for two contractions but reported more pain. She tried this with the other foot but also reported more pain. So this position was abandoned in favour of a side-lying position, as Pam also reported feeling very tired.

Pat showed Pam how to lie down on her left, with a pillow in between her legs, her lower leg straight and upper leg bent. A few more contractions went by with Pam lying down, eyes closed, vocalising softly as the pain came. Pat also massaged her back.

Around 12.30pm, Pat asked if Pam wanted to pee and helped her to the bathroom. Pam had two contractions there. Meanwhile, Paul had arrived so after one contraction, Pam returned to the room. Paul did a vaginal examination and found that she was about 5 to 6cm dilated but the baby’s head was still high at +2 station. He told her cheerfully to “hang in there” and asked the nurses to call him when things changed.

Adin went to buy some sandwiches and drinks for Pam. She ate a part of the sandwich and drank some water in between contractions. The lights were turned off and Pam sat upright in bed, supported by pillows as she tried to cope with the contractions. In between contractions, Pam asked if sitting down was effective in helping her progress. She was willing to try other positions if this was not, despite being tired. Pat suggested that she kneel on the bed, leaning against pillows raised up against the back of the bed - again, the objective was to take the pressure off the back and still stay vertical while leaning against the pillows to get some rest. This position was alternated with sitting up vertically and with lying down whenever she felt too tired.

By around 2pm, Pam indicated she would like to try going on all fours on the floor, leaning against the birth ball. NM Ng came in and checked her and said she was about 8 to 9cm dilated but baby’s head was still high. She encouraged Pam to push to try to bring the baby’s head down as this might be less painful for her. At this point, Pam still had not expressed that she had any strong urges to push. Despite this however, she decided to push with every contraction and found that it brought some measure of relief.

After a while, Paul came in. He watched as Pam pushed hard. There was a slight anal flare, indicating that baby had indeed moved down a bit. He watched her progress for about half an hour. Pam worked really hard at this and Pat reminded her often to keep her jaw loose and to make low grunting sounds as she pushed. Finally, he examined her vaginally and asked her to bear down during a contraction. He told her that the baby was lower than it was when he examined her earlier - about -2 station - and that it did seem to come down further when she pushed hard. He asked if she had a strong urge to push and Pam said, “sometimes.“

He advised her to push only when she had the strong urge to and if not, to just let the uterus do the work for her and try not to push, in order to get some rest otherwise she would be very tired before too long and any pushing would be inefficient.

Paul then left and asked the nurses to call him later. Pam seemed tired and Pat suggested going into a supported squat position with Adin supporting her from the back to take the weight and pressure off her arms and her knees. She tried this position for a couple of contractions but reported that she felt more efficient pushing on all-fours. So she went back to the all-fours position.

After a while, it was clear that she was becoming really tired. Adin was also concerned about her tiredness and suggested that she not push for a couple of contractions. Although she tried this, she reported it was more painful not to push. So Pam went back to the bed and tried not to push, with Pat encouraging her to pant or blow gently against the urges to push. Pam tried sitting upright in bed, holding on to the grab bars which NM Ng brought up but reported this was uncomfortable and painful. Pat then suggested lying down again in the exaggerated Sim’s position. It seemed more comfortable for her and she went through a few contractions like this as she breathed through each contraction and fought the urge to push.

After a while, NM Ng came back in and checked Pam again. She said that baby was a little lower but still a bit on the ‘high side’. She asked if Pam wanted Paul to come and assist in the birth, as in a vacuum or forceps delivery. She felt that this was a big baby and that Pam might need some assistance. On hearing this, Pam nodded. She felt very tired already and the contractions were obviously overwhelming her. It was also difficult for her get any rest against these contractions.

With that, NM Ng went to call Paul and the nurses readied the equipment and the bed for an assisted delivery.

Paul came just after five and gowned and suited up. Pam’s legs were placed in the stirrups. He placed his hand in the vagina and asked Pam to push hard. With that hard push, he said he could feel the baby descend further. After the next push, he asked her if she wanted to do this herself or if she needed him to help her. Pam shook her head and asked that he help her with this. Paul then said he was going to use the vacuum and use minimum traction but most of the work was still going to be done by Pam’s pushing efforts.

The vacuum cap was attached to the suction hose and the cap was lubricated generously. He placed the cap into the vagina and attached it to the baby’s head. The machine started and he instructed Pam to push hard whenever she had the urge. Pat and Adin supported her from the back and held back her legs as well as she pushed. Pam pushed hard, so hard that she went red and purple in the face. Pat was concerned about this and reminded her to breathe through the push. Paul also encouraged her to “change breaths and then push again”.

As the baby’s head emerged, Paul exclaimed, “No wonder! The baby is OP!” and NM Ng excitedly pointed out, “See, the baby was trying to turn already!”

The baby’s head was elongated due to the suction of the vacuum and once the head was out, the rest of him emerged rather quickly. Unlike the natural process of rotation, where one shoulder and then one arm would emerge at a time, the baby came out with his arms at his sides in a whoosh of blood and water.

He started to cry almost immediately and NM Ng said, “He is gurgling. There is a lot of mucus so I am going to suction.” The baby was suctioned and then placed onto his mother.

There were cries of relief, congratulations and thank-yous all round as everyone tried to guess how heavy the baby was. Pat took pictures and Paul invited Adin to cut the cord.

There was a short wait for the placenta and Paul did a gentle cord traction. He asked Pam to push a bit and then the placenta was out. He then gave Pam a shot of syntometrine, saying that after a prolonged labour, the uterus may not contract as efficiently and the syntometrine would help it contract. Pam agreed to this and the nurse administered the injection.

As everyone oohed and ahhed over the baby, Paul stitched Pam’s perineum. He had not given an episiotomy and Pam had torn neatly down the midline. When this was done, he completed the paperwork, congratulated them once again and left.

The baby was weighed and the scales showed a hefty 4.270kg. Pam put the baby to her breast and baby and mother had their first nursing session.

I'm blessed with a wonderful friend, Pat Chong for labour support.

Sr Florence Wong comes to visit.

Gabriel gets to carry baby John.

Sr Christine carrying baby John to the chappel for 'Baby Presentation'.

At the chapel.

My Birth Rescue Hero, Dr Paul Tseng
(Photo taken 1 week after birth at his clinic)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Looking at 2009

So much has happened this year...

From the pregnancy(Jan 09) & birth(Oct 09) of baby Paulina... starting a new business http://www.thebirthshop.com/ at the beginning of this year... getting set to prioritise homeschooling for John for end of the year... coping with Gabriel's school work and exams... Paulina's baptism... Gabriel's First Holy Communion... the week-long holiday in Malaysia...

Basically for 2009, juggling work at MIM/the new biz / hotline counselling & workshop for JP / chauffering the kids from school / endless housechores plus all the cooking of family meals during the pregnancy had been quite overwelming!

I thank God for all the graces He's given to our family this year!

Lord, continue to guide me and steadily carry my cross as I entrust my family to you...trusting in your providence! Without you Lord, I am nothing. Thank you for giving me such great faith! Mother Mary, thank you for Jesus, pray for me, pray for us all! Amen.

Looking forward to year 2010!~

Gabriel's First Holy Communion

Gabriel's First Holy Communion on the 8th Nov 2009! We'll be seeing both Gabriel & Jann(my God-daughter) in their next sacrament of Confirmation in year 2015!

Hong Kong-Wetland Park Nov 2008

The 61-hectare Hong Kong Wetland Park demonstrates the diversity of the Hong Kong's wetland ecosystem. It provides an opportunity to explore the versatile biodiversity of wetlands covering from the atrium with a short film show, wetland discovery centre, stream walk, mangrove broadwalk and etc. Educational, beautiful and unique!

Hong Kong-Disneyland Nov 2008

We arrived abit too early and had to have the Breakfast with the Disney Characters in order to get in! Overall...we had a nice time with the boys. HK Disneyland is of course alot smaller than the Orlando Disneyland we went to during our honeymoon 12 years ago!

Hong Kong-Ocean Park Nov 2008

Ohh...we spent almost a full wet day wearing plastic raincoats at the Ocean Park. How dreadful but what choice did we have? John had refused to come out of the aquarium viewing gallery. Due to the bad weather conditions, the dolphin show was cancelled...what a disapointment! However, Gabriel had lots of fun and thrill as he tried to command the dolphins to jump at the dolphin school by making some strange whistling sound! Ha! It actually work...I think?

Monday, December 28, 2009

Paulina's Baptism

Baby Paulina was baptised on the 29th Nov 09 at our Parish - Church of the Holy Spirit. She was wearing a long traditional silk baptismal gown and we had the honour of Mark and Janice as her Godparents.

Hehe! So happy! Stripped down to her vest after baptism!