About Me

Picture perfect and yet imperfect family.
As on 1st January 2010:
Married to Adin Ng on 26/09/97 for 12 years!
Mom to:
Gabriel Xavier(9yrs)~12/07/00
John Emmanuel(4yrs)~01/08/05
Paul Emmaeus(Stillborn)~01/09/07 (2yrs+ by now)
Paulina Therese(2-1/2mths)~10/10/09

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Paulina Therese Ng's Birth

Yes, yet another drug-free gentle birth!
That night, I went to bed at 12:45am and said a very short humble prayer and dozed off quite immediately. Got woken up with a sudden contraction at 1am! I even said it out: "This is a real contraction!" What a surprise! God answered my prayer within 15 minutes??? Reached labour ward at 2:30am and was already 7cm dilated!

Paulina Therese Ng Li-Ann
Born on 10th October 2009
at 4:52AM
Weight: 4090 gm    Length: 53 cm
Mount Alvernia Hospital

My Birth Rescue Hero(on my left) - Dr Paul Tseng
My Birth Companion(on my right) - Adin Ng

Cuddling my little Paulina (5:16am)
Nursed her for the 1st time at 5:18am (about 25mins after birth)

The minutes after birth is the best time to get baby started breast-feeding. Suckling gives babies immense comfort and after a brief period of alertness, baby will often sleep, exhausted from her efforts during the birth. The earlier you can start baby on the road to nursing, the more chance of success. Breastmilk production increases with demand, colostrum (the nutrient rich, high protein first milk) helps get baby through until mother’s milk comes in and the act of nursing releases oxytocin in mom which stimulates contraction of the uterus (preventing hemorrhaging) and magnifies those lovey-dovey feelings for mama.

Time together as a family to get to know each other after the birth is especially important. Separating mother and baby is extremely stressful for both and should be avoided. In a gentle birth the mother is awake and aware, highly conscious, energized by having given birth, and extremely eager to spend time with her child—touching, feeling, resting or sleeping together. The newborn needs and wants the comforting presence of its mother, her warmth, touch, sound and smell. After a gentle birth most mothers experience an incredible exhilaration that helps them to overcome their exhaustion. A gentle birth does not involve baby being left in a bassinet in a nursery far from her family.

The 2 proud kor kors Gabriel and John who rushed to the hospital upon waking up! (9:31am)

Still admiring at baby! (2:12pm)

Both got to take turns to carry baby Paulina for the 1st time!
Gabriel at (3:48pm) & John at (3:49pm)

Ah Chor(Great-Grandma), Yi Por(Grand-Auntie) and Yi yi (Small Auntie)
(Day 2)

(Day 2  -  12/10/09  - 3:58pm)
1st time baby Paulina kept wailing loudly and fussed at the breast and I only realised why after quite awhile. She pooed!!! She just hates dirty diapers!

On Day 3 - 13/10/09, baby's jaundice level was mark 14 so I decided to stay on in the hospital for the jaundice treatment. That morning, I went to Dr Roland Sim's ENT clinic to do an endocsope and he scheduled me to do a tongue tumour operation under local at the Mt A. operating theatre the next morning - 14/10/09.
Ohh...it hurts soooo much an hour after the operation when the local anestesia started wearing off! Ouch!
 I had to be on a soft diet for many days after that! I couldn't even talk properly!

 Day 5  - 14/10/09 - 12:16pm
Day of discharge  - extended the stay to be under the Bilirubin Light

14/10/09 - 12:27pm
I requested for my old friend, Sr Christine to do baby presentation at the chapel and she gladly came!

14/10/09 - 6:25pm
Baby Paulina at home for the 1st time and just woke up from a long nap!

Day 6  - 15/10/09 - 2pm
Had to bring the Bilirubin Light home from Dr Simon Ng's clinic as the jaundice level went up again!
Tried for one night and it didnt work out for her because I kept taking her out as I couldn't bear to see her keep crying inside. Sigh! I admitted her to NNJ at Mt A. the next day.

Day 9  - 18/10/09  - 7:28am
Admitted to NNJ for on 16/10/09 and discharged on the 18/10/09.
Poor baby Paulina had already gone through so much since birth.
But you are a much older baby now and the jaundice level after day 7 ain't gonna hurt you no more!

Day 11 -  20/10/09  - 10:50am
Mother and Baby bonding at home.

1 comment:

  1. hi Pam, it's been nice reading your blog. :) i teared when reading the part bout missing baby Paul. it's nice to read bout your joyful parenting journey and incidentally, i'm born the same day as Paulina. 10th oct. :) cheers! Amanda
